AMD华裔女总裁泄密 Windows10七月发布
In its earnings call, chip maker AMD revealed that Windows 10 will launch at the end of July, as blog Tweaktown first noticed.
芯片制造商AMD在电话会议中透露Windows 10将于7月底发布。博客Tweaktown第一个发现此事。
Here's what AMD's president and CEO Lisa Su said on the call, according to a transcript published by Seeking Alpha:
Seeking Alpha公布了AMD总裁兼首席执行官苏姿丰的电话录音文本:
What we also are factoring in is, with the Windows 10 launch at the end of July, we are watching the impact of that on the back-to-school season, and expect that it might have a bit of a delay to the normal back-to-school season inventory buildup.
我们还要考虑到,因为Windows 10的发布日期是7月底,我们要注意到它对开学季的影响,我们给开学季备货可能会因此受到拖延。
Microsoft previously announced that Windows 10 would be launching this summer, but didn't give a specific time frame.
此前,微软曾宣布Windows 10将在今年夏天发布,但并未披露具体日期。
At the end of January, Microsoft released the Technical Preview of Windows 10, which is an unfinished build that Microsoft lets its enterprise partners try out ahead of the final release so that they can provide feedback.
一月底,微软发布了Windows 10的技术预览版。这一未完成的版本允许微软的企业伙伴在最终版发布之前提前体验并提供反馈。
AMD makes processors that power some Windows laptops, and is considered to be Intel's biggest rival in the space. If Su is correct, we can probably expect to see Microsoft's various hardware partners show off new tablets, laptops, and desktops that run on Windows 10 in the coming months.
部分Windows笔记本内装有AMD制造的CPU。AMD被认为是英特尔最大的竞争对手。如果苏姿丰说的没错的话,我们就可能在接下来的几个月里看到微软的硬件合作伙伴们展示各种新款Windows 10平板、笔记本和台式机。
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