A popular CCTV host's "improper remarks" that were caught on video at a dinner party have led to an investigation into the incident. The video, released online on Monday, showed host Bi Fujian using vulgar words about Chairman Mao Zedong while singing in the style of Peking Opera, enraging some netizens and causing a stir on the Internet. The video was recorded by someone sitting on Bi's right, but who it is and why the video was put online is unknown. CCTV said on its micro blog on Wednesday that it will investigate the incident, which it said many have found disturbing.
马上学:交友须谨慎,说话要小心,你不知道哪天你的小伙伴就把你出卖了。形容人嘴不严可用big mouth表达。形容祸从口出的英语警句有哪些?
Careless talk leads to trouble. (不小心说话,会带来麻烦。)
The less said the better. (说的愈少愈好。)
Loose lips sink ships (from World War II). (言多必失。二战时期美国保密防谍的标语)
Shut the mouth and open the eyes. (闭嘴少说,张眼多看。)
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