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Now Alessandro Bordini is a 28-year-old Italian man who lost his sight four years ago after a skydiving accident. He hit the ground at great speed and was very badly injured. In fact, he was in a coma for 19 days. But once he'd recovered his strength, he didn't give in to despair about his disability. Instead, he decided to travel alone around the world. So far he's been to 28 countries, 25 of them in Africa. And he's been delighted with the kindness and generosity of almost everyone he's met along the way. On the line from Milan, Alessandro told me what happened when he first came out of his coma.

The first memory, it's about 19 days after the accident. I remember the voice of my mother that told me that I was at the hospital, that I had an accident, and it was about 20 days that I was in coma. And I thought, I cannot believe that because I felt not so bad. I was full of morphine. So I couldn't realise that I was so bad because I felt good.

And when did you consciously realise that you had lost your sight?

I didn't realise in, at exact moment that I was blind because my mind was really confused. And also doctors told me that I could recover my sight maybe after some weeks, maybe after some months.



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