15招: 像一个绅士那样赢得女性芳心
1. A gentleman opens doors for a lady. 绅士会为女士开门。 As far as a gentleman is concerned, all women and girls should be treated as ladies. Opening a door is not a gesture of condescension, but rather courtesy and deference. 对于绅士而言,所有女性都应该被当成“女士”对待。开门不是一种谦虚的手势,更是礼节和尊重。 小编提示:为女士开门(开车门也不例外),是绅士“女士优先”礼节的显现。
2. A gentleman walks closest to the curb. 绅士走在靠近路边的一侧。 The idea being, of course, to protect her from traffic, debris, puddles and other urban calamities. 这个做法是为了保护女士免收交通、碎石、水坑还有其他城市灾害。
3. A gentleman gives her his jacket. 绅士会为她披上自己的外套。 Especially when it's freezing. Especially when it's snowing. Especially in the rain. If she looks cold, she's cold. Just take your jacket off. 尤其是寒冷的天气。尤其是下雪天。尤其是阴雨连绵,如果她身着单薄,她定是觉得寒冷。脱下你的大衣(给她披上)吧。
4. A gentleman rises when she enters the room. 绅士在她进入房间时会站起身来 You should also rise when she exits. At a meal, you stand when she excuses herself and again when she returns. Even a partial rising shows gentle manners, but it's best to fully stand if possible. 你也应该在她离开时再次起身。在饭间,当她借口离开时你也要起身,她回来时也一样。甚至半起身也能展现你的良好教养,但是如果可能的话,还是全身直立为好。
5. A gentleman gives compliments sincerely and often. 绅士时常给予真挚的赞美。烟台翻译公司 The first words out of your mouth when you meet a woman on a date should be along the lines of "you look stunning." 你和女士约会时,从你口中说出的第一句话必然是:“你看上去美极了。” 小编提示:即使你们在恋爱,真正的绅士都会像初见你时那样,真挚用心的赞美你。
6. A gentleman helps her to be seated. 绅士帮助她就坐。 1) Pull the chair out for her. 为她拉开椅子。 2) As her knees bend to sit, gently push the chair in with both hands on the backrest. 当她屈膝坐下时,轻轻双手为她推进椅背。 小编提示:把这点记在你的约会笔记里,是迅速提升好感的方法哦~ 7. A gentleman says "please" and "thank you." 绅士会说“请”和“谢谢”。 Far too often overlooked, a simple "please" and "thank you" can go a very long way. 常常被忽略的一句简单的“请”和“谢谢”恒久受用。
8. A gentleman minds his table manners. 绅士注重他的餐桌礼节。 Even if you've never mastered the continental style of using utensils (left hand, fork; right hand, knife), it doesn't take any training to not talk with your mouth full or chew with your mouth open. 即使你从不精通于使用欧式餐具(左手拿叉右手拿刀),嘴里塞得满满,或是咀嚼东西的时候不要开口说话,这不需要任何训练吧。
9. A gentleman is never rude to servers, bartenders, or anyone else for that matter. 绅士从不因任何事对服务员、调酒师,或其他人无礼。 There is nothing more offensive than someone who talks down to someone and treats them as if they were inferiors. 没有什么比居高临下同别人说话,还有对待他们似乎是自己的下级那样更冒犯了。 小编提示:其实我们生活中很常见的一类人就是“snobbery”(摆绅士架子):ill-mannered, awful for everyone around you(无礼,并对你身边的每个人态度恶劣)。
10. A gentleman pays. 绅士会你付钱。 Under no circumstances should she see the check or have any idea how much it is. A tight-lipped smile is your friend here, as always. 在任何情况都不能让她看到你付了多少钱。一个抿嘴的微笑代表了你永远都是她的友人。 小编提示:英文中有个词叫“going Dutch” (各付各帐,AA制),这个词其实有侮辱的意味,因为真正的绅士才不会让女士掏腰包呢!
11. A gentleman listens. 绅士会倾听。 Listening does not mean "waiting for your chance to talk." It means being attentive, learning to read responses, understand reactions, and navigate someone's emotional landscape. 倾听并不代表“等待你开口诉说的机会。”这意味着你要很留心,学着去理解回答,理解回应,并引导他人的情绪。
12. A gentleman pays attention to details. 绅士注重细节。 Take mental notes. Her likes. Her dislikes. Her shoe size. Her ring size. Her favorite color. This information will prove useful and when it does –it shows you care. 在脑中记下这些细节:她喜欢什么,不喜欢什么,她的鞋码,她最喜欢的颜色。这些信息会证明它们的用处,用处一旦显现——就证明你在意她。
13. A gentleman is a jack of all trades. 绅士样样全能。 A gentleman knows how to do things. He is confident and socially adroit, able to handle any situation that life throws at him. 一个绅士了解如何做事。他很自信,并且交际灵活,有能力掌控任何生活中的任何突发状况。
14. A gentleman shows initiative. 绅士展现出主动性。 If you're asked which dress, which pair of jeans, or which pair of shoes looks better...have an actual opinion. "They both look the same" or "whatever you like" are not actual opinions. Likewise, if you're asking someone on a date, have a destination in mind. Have a plan. 如果她问你哪条裙子,哪件牛仔裤,或是哪双鞋更好看……真诚的给她建议。“它们看上去没差,”或是“你喜欢就好”不是真挚的建议。同样的,如果你要提出约会,脑中要有个目的地,一个方案。
15. He goes out of his way to let her know he cares. Every. Single. Day. 他总会用自己的方式让她知道,他在意她。每·一·天。 Flowers. Affectionate post-it notes. Simple compliments. All of those things add up. So show your affection every day. 鲜花,深情款款的留言,简单的赞美,所有这些叠加起来,足以证明你日日的爱恋。 烟台翻译公司
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