Michael Jackson's infamous Neverland Ranch has hit the market for the first time since the late singer's death.
The firm who bought the singer's debt and then restored the property have finally put the sprawling ranch located just outside of Santa Barbara, California, on the market, the Wall Street Journal reports.
While the theme park rides may be gone (along with Michael's elephants and beloved monkey Bubbles) the history - both bad and good - remains, and it can now be yours if you have a spare $100million.
Listed by Sotheby's and Hilton & Hyland, most of the telltale signs of its former famous owner have been erased turning the 2700-acre property from a fun park into a grand estate.
Even the name has changed with Neverland now known as Sycamore Valley Ranch - which was its name prior to the star buying in the Eighties.
Realtor Suzanne Perkins told the Wall Street Journal that the amusement park the late King of Pop constructed and his beloved exotic animals have long been removed.
In their place, it seems, are rolling hills, man-made water features and lakes complete with swans and even a llama or two.
Perkins promises however, if an MJ fan does buy the property there are still a few small signs that it was the Neverland Ranch - with its clock made from flowers that spells out 'Neverland' retained and restored.
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